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Elasticsearch and Kibana added a brand new query language: ES|QL — coming with a new endpoint (_query) and a simplified syntax. It lets you refine your results one step at a time and adds new features like data enrichment and processing right in your query. And you can use it across the Elastic Stack — from the Elasticsearch API to Discover and Alerting in Kibana. But the biggest change is behind the scenes: Using a new compute engine that was built with performance in mind. Join us for an overview and a look at syntax and internals.

Kibana Console sample queries you can run on https://esql.demo.elastic.co.

 * See the documentation for a complete list of
 * features; we'll focus on the concepts and some
 * interesting examples.
 * Some queries will (intentionally) result in errors.

// Let's get started with the equivalent of GET /
// Cover output formats, case sensitivity, KEEP, LIMIT
POST _query
  "query": """
    SHOW INFO //Comment
POST _query?format=json //But no comment here
  "query": """
POST _query?format=csv
  "query": """
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    show info //Are keywords case sensitive?
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    | LIMIT 1 //Removing the warning
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    | LIMIT 1
    | KEEP version //Reducing the output
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    /* Combining it all with a
     * multi-line comment */
    | LIMIT 1
    | KEEP version

// Where should you put the pipe?
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    SHOW INFO | LIMIT 1 | KEEP version
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    LIMIT 1 |
    KEEP version
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    | LIMIT 1
    | KEEP version

// Use some actual data
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | LIMIT 5
GET _query?format=txt
  "query": """ //Can you use GET as well?
    FROM sample_data
    | LIMIT 5
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data METADATA _index, _id, _version
    | LIMIT 5
POST _query
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | LIMIT 5
  "profile": true //This is undocumented for now but might come in handy; only works with JSON
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | KEEP @timestamp, message
    | LIMIT 10

// A quick look at data types
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | WHERE client_ip = ""
    | LIMIT 10
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | WHERE client_ip == ""
    | LIMIT 10
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | WHERE client_ip == TO_IP("")
    | LIMIT 10
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | WHERE client_ip IS NOT NULL
    | LIMIT 10

// And finally aggregations (with a query DSL example for comparison)
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | STATS COUNT_DISTINCT(client_ip), AVG(event_duration)
    | LIMIT 1
GET sample_data/_search
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "distinct_client-ip": {
      "cardinality": {
        "field": "client_ip"
    "average_event-duration": {
      "avg": {
        "field": "event_duration"
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | STATS AVG(event_duration), COUNT(*) BY client_ip
    | LIMIT 10
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | STATS AVG(event_duration), COUNT(*) BY client_ip
    | SORT COUNT(*)
    | LIMIT 10
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | STATS AVG(event_duration), mycount = COUNT(*) BY client_ip
    | SORT mycount
    | LIMIT 10
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | STATS AVG(event_duration), COUNT(*) BY client_ip
    | SORT `count(*)` //Case sensitivity revisited — will this work?
    | LIMIT 10
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | STATS AVG(event_duration), COUNT(*) BY client_ip
    | SORT `COUNT(*)` DESC
    | LIMIT 10

// Precedural queries as a core concept
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | STATS AVG(event_duration), COUNT(*) BY client_ip
    | LIMIT 5
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | LIMIT 5
    | STATS AVG(event_duration), COUNT(*) BY client_ip
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | LIMIT 5
    | STATS AVG(event_duration), COUNT(*) BY client_ip
    | SORT `COUNT(*)` DESC
    | LIMIT 1
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | STATS average_duration = AVG(event_duration), count = COUNT(*) BY client_ip
    | STATS MAX(average_duration) BY count //A chained aggregation
    | LIMIT 5

// More language features, using ROW for sample data
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    ROW a = "philipp@elastic.co"
    | WHERE a RLIKE ".*@elastic.co"
    | KEEP a
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    ROW a = "2023-01-23T12:15:00.000Z - some text -"
    | DISSECT a "%{date} - %{msg} - %{ip}"
    | KEEP date, msg, ip
    | LIMIT 1
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    ROW a = "2023-01-23T12:15:00.000Z some.email@foo.com 42"
    | GROK a "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:date} %{IP:ip} %{EMAILADDRESS:email} %{NUMBER:num:int}"
    // Note the impact of switching KEEP and EVAL around
    | KEEP date, ip, email, num
    | EVAL date = DATE_EXTRACT("year", TO_DATETIME(date))
    | LIMIT 1
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    ROW first_name = "Philipp", last_name = "Krenn", height = 1.81
    | EVAL height_feet = height * 3.281, height_cm = height * 100
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    ROW height = 1.81, weight = 75
    | EVAL BMI = ROUND(weight / POW(height, 2), 1)
    | EVAL healthy = CASE(BMI < 18.5, false, BMI >= 25, false, true)

// Multivalued (arrays) fields can be read but functions on them
// return null (unless otherwise noted in the docs)
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    ROW a = 5, b = [ 1, 2 ]
    | EVAL a - 3, b + 2, a + b
    | LIMIT 1

// Enrich your data with lookups
GET _enrich/policy/clientip_policy
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM clientips
    | LIMIT 5
POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | KEEP @timestamp, client_ip, event_duration
    | EVAL client_ip = TO_STRING(client_ip)
    | ENRICH clientip_policy ON client_ip WITH env

POST _query?format=txt
  "query": """
    FROM sample_data
    | KEEP @timestamp, client_ip, event_duration
    | EVAL client_ip = TO_STRING(client_ip)
    | ENRICH clientip_policy ON client_ip WITH env
    | STATS median_duration = MEDIAN(event_duration) BY env